Here is my review of petrol zest after 700 kms.
I must say I too was as excited as the other reviewers describing thier new Zest.
I was convinved tata had pulled it off a stellar product.
But now after having driven the car for a while I must nothing has changed ftom previous tata vehicles like the vista or manza.
The clutch and gearbox is pathetic. You can hardly do a smooth getaway in an inclined road or in start stop conditions. I have driven maruti, fords, hyundais over last 10 yrs. I must say tata is way behind in refinement in gearbox.
Electricals are also faulty. If you operate the power windows, high beam together the a/c fan reduces. Same when the engine begins to stall the headlights dim.
Most wiring is exposed without proper covering near the connectors.ABS connectors in the wheel well are exposed.
Most scary of all: The petrol lines run the entire belly of the car without protection and in some places its made of plastic. Dont dream of parking your car in the open for first few months till the new car smell wears off. Rodents will have a good dinner time. My cars fuel line was chewed off twice which led to fuel spill when the car started. Now I park my car in a garage nearby.
uneven Panel gaps like old manza and vista are still there I think it will tata another 100 yrs to sort this.
Dont be swayed by the harmon kardonn, alloy wheels, abs which are advertised.
Stick to brands which get their basic right the first time no matter how tempting this deal is.