I was a customer of TATA Indicom land line for the past 3 years in Bangalore.Apart from low voice and delay in connectivity, the main problem with the company is the worst type of customer care they are giving to the Customers. Complaints are seldom attended properly and immediately.Only communication they give to the cusomers is to verify the reciept of bills.Any number of written, even registered letters of complaints sent to the Head, Customer Care do not evoke any courtesy of a response either over phone or in writing. They connect and disconnect as they please without any notice even when the fault is with them. I am forced to remove the connection and seek refund, which they have not done so far. It is a disgarce to the fabled TATA name. They should make the Head and the others of the Customercare Cell more responsible, courteous and friendly.Otherwise in this competitive environment survival will be difficult.