Taverns the place if you want to experience good old hard rock , classic rock, Glam rock (very rare but sometimes) so basically if you want to experience good music, beer you should go to tavern.Tavern located on muesum road near church street. If you are out of town or country and wonder what is it that makes bangalore different , you will see all sorts of people there.The food is good especially chicken kati roll, Double fry corn, Tava fish fry, Kalmi kabab.
The cocktails and hard liquor is priced expensively and rated equal to US rates, cant understand why.Speakers are good and DJ knows his console no blaring and tearing you apart, he knows the difference between loud and noisy and loud and rocking. The only louse about this place is that it get damn smoky in there , no proper ventilation in place and after 10pm its get stuffy and smoky.
Always try to get in early and get a decent seat otherwise this place is packed to the hilt. DJ wayne does play requests but dont go up to him and ask him for bryan adams and such. He loves his music and is open to listen to new stuff and does play new stuff.