I remember watching this movie with my hubby at the Forum Bangalore, our first movie together and a memorable one.I laughed through out and cried at the grand finale, especially when some moral is being imparted through movies, I get that little lump in my throat and brings tears to my eyes.I do not want to give statestics of this movie as there are loads of them on this site.
The roles played by each and every actor in this movie was apt and justice was made to everything even the sets if you could call it, you could even see how a maharastrian house wife cooks , grumbles at her husband and keeps her utensils in that little kholi of theirs.The humor between husband and wife when he comes home to sleep is just so wonderful.It rules out all questions of infedilety the body language and the dialogues were just so great, justification given by Sonali on not being able to pay off the bills and Nana coaxing his wife etc.
The way the movie converges to the point where John meets Nana is just wonderfull , two different worlds meeting at a point for purposes of their own, John to reach his vault and Nana wanting to clear off his debts.
I liked the action part of the movie which starts from the time nana bangs on to another vehicle.Jumping the signals you could say, Theres a lot of lesson to learn if you watch carefully dosent it happen to people who are in a hurry, the way John washes off his hands not realising his fate has been sealed in that very car he decided to abandon.
The way John changes his tone go get his work done, the tricks he uses to coax the managar of the vault to give him a duplicate key etc.And they way Nana evades his wife and child when he walks through the streets with the cops.The revenge of Nana and the scene on the flyover and at the railway crossing. The fear and agony is all expressed so well.Fianlly the friends who come to us only when we are rich and some friends we make which would last for a life time.The turning point of Johns life where he meets a new person Prianka and again uncertainity...
A well played plot....Enjoyed Nanas dialogue as usuall and would like to watch the movie again and again.