Book at your Own Peril at-least in Bengaluru.
I have arrived at this conclusion after having taken for a "RIDE" by taxi for sure(TFS) not once but 3 Times.
First time I booked taxi for an hospital appointment, sure enough I got confirmation of booking thru email and sms; even received driver/vehicle details but, vehicle never came!. When I called driver, he tells "Im off duty, call TFS"! Missed medical appointment and TFS offered to send vehicle after 45 minutes - no use for me.
Second Time - every thing worked like a charm - Had booked 4 Hours package - Everything was on time - confirmation, driver details and vehicle on time. Only when vehicle came, vehicle number received thru sms and actual vehicle number did not match. Driver name mobile number matched & most important vehicle did not have TFS tracking/mobile device, so vehicle cannot be tracked!.
When asked driver replied "This is a replacement vehicle!" Whole vehicle reeked of diesel. Went on booked trip, at the end of 3rd hour vehicle broke down and would not start(at 10PM in night!). After 15 minutes of failed attempt to repair by driver, called TFS call center, only to hear from TFS that they will try and send replacement vehicle but before that I need to pay full amount for this vehicle?! After scolding as to why should I pay when my package is still not complete - I was to be transferred to "supervisor" after about 15 minutes of holding the call on music(for which Im paying) supervisor came online luckily vehicle started and reached home back late night an hour late!
Third Time - Another 4 hours package booking, booked 3 days in advance, got booking confirmation thru email and sms. When I did not receive driver details even at 15 minutes to start of trip, I called TFS only to hear that "Booking cancelled by TFS"! Why? god knows!. TFS agent also claimed I have been informed by call about cancellation, upon yelling and swearing at him about not being informed, he adds "I might have been informed about cancellation".
So Bottom line is - "TFS is another rotten to the core company with attitude & service level of a average Bengaluru Auto driver - with a fancy website and App."
They know their company is rotten hence no contact phone number or emails of CEO or COO or Founder found on on their website.!