Ive been eFiling for the last 8 years now. First 5 years with myITReturn/Skorydov. Since I faced never ending problems with them, I switched over to Taxsmile for next 2 years(AY 2012-2013 and 2013-2014).
When doing the filing for AY 2014-2015, I faced the following problems with their website:
After entering all the salary details for 2 employers in the past FY, when I go back and look at the "Form 16 details, Part B", items 10, Total Tax Payable(Point 16 of Form 16) always reverts to 0 irrespective of how many times I enter a value here. All other fields retain their value.
I see no way to enter amount paid towards Sec 80D. Under Deductions > Mediclaim Premium, it says "Please add Mediclaim Premium", but no way to actually add any amount here.
I mailed them, but they never replied, even after sending reminders. This is a major problem, so I switched over the Cleartax.
Thankfully, there was no error with the eFiling they did on my behalf for those two AYs, unlike the major problems I faced with myITReturn/Skorydov. For one of the AY filing, CPC status is "ITR processed no demand no refund", for another year, CPC processed the refund asked for and paid it already.
This year, Ive just logged into their website and I see that their problems are continuing:
Theyve not given access to my older filing data / status, i.e. for the 2 years that I filed using their platform. This is a big no-no. Any company that holds user data to ransom should be severely blacklisted.
Clicking on any of the "previous data" links throws up a message: You have not Subscribed for this service. To Subscribe for this service kindly Click on the link "Subscribe For Value Added Service" available on "My Taxsmile" Page Under "Manage Your Account"
Obviously they want to charge for this, but worse, there is no link called "Subscribe For Value Added Service" under "Manage Your Account".
What a joke of a service. I would highly recommend that this service is avoided.
Further note that Mouthshuts parameters for rating this "website" make no sense at all. A website is just the front end, there have to be parameters for rating the overall service. So while Ive rated their website decently, their overall service is poor.