This is one Tea that redefines the idea of savoring tea, esp. for all those souls residing (read dangling) in places far far away from the scent of the real home (India).
Before I plunge myself into the actual review, I have to mention that I am not quite sure of all the places where this product is available. I know one for sure - Starbucks - and that, I think, is global enough for most of you to be able to try it, without having to wait for eons (that if, my review succeeds in pseudo-titillating your taste buds).
Now to the actual review:
The object in discussion, is the Tazo Chai, with special emphasis on the tea bags of that flavor/brand. The tagline reads The Reincarnation of Tea and to quote the brands marketing personnel...Tazo Chai is a sensual experience that comes from many exotic parts of the world. It is a flavor of black tea I find particularly refreshing, and one that reminds me of the masala tea we generally make at home. The ingredients list on each of the bags proclaims the presence of ginger root, cinnamon seed, cloves and star anise seed (?), besides the black teas themselves. It is a no-brainer that the presence of all these very-Indian spices is what makes it different from the rest of the crowd. As figured out by most of you now, we do not need to add any additional ingredients while making this tea, except for sugar and milk, and still get the closest-possible masala tea in a matter of minutes. And the aroma that fills your surroundings, while in the making, is unbelievably clear, refreshing and soothing.
Tazo Chai can be had, atleast in three ways (listed in the order of my preference) : 1) Ordering one at a Starbucks store where a peppy pro will make it scalding-hot for you in 2-3 minutes 2) Buy a carton of the tea bags of this flavor and fix yourself a cup of tea whenever your reflexes demand one or 3) Get a cartonful of Tazo syrup (or called something similar) and make yourself a cup at your will.
The option 2) - the tea bags - is what actually motivated me to write this review. It is the most convenient since the tea can be made in 2-3 minutes...tea bags as always are most handy...and you dont need to drive down to a Starbucks store. All you need is some hot water and milk (or milk-type coffee/tea mates - half and half, creamer etc.) and you have a hot cup of refreshment waiting for you to savor. And much better if you have a microwave handy...that way, you can make it as hot as it can get. For me, it is undoubtedly the best tea I can fix myself, when at work. I always have a handful of these tea bags in one of the draws in my office. And most often than not, we all have hot water, sugar and milk/creamer available in the pantries at the work place.
If you want to try it out before you go for the carton of tea bags (they come in packs of 24 and cost about $4), you can try the Tazo Chai (beverage) at a Starbucks store and then think about it. Beware though, that the tea made out of the tea bags at home, will taste a bit different than the beverage fixed by the Starbucks pro - guess it is either because of the missing milk cream or the lack of the mystique touch of a pro!
Good Luck!
P.S: And if at all it matters to any of you, the fine print on the tea bags claims that all the ingredients are organically grown.