Long ago famous writer Sydney Smith asked What would the world do without tea?
Its no idle question. Tea is worlds most popular drink, after Water.
This ancient beverage has many health benefits which we often neglect. Tea in any form Green, Black or Iced, is beneficial. Though Iced is usually diluted. Flavonoids(a anti-oxidants present in Tea), break down over time; Making your own tea is better than any kind of bottled or packed tea.
Heart Beeper:
A Dutch study last year(2002) of 4807 people, those who drank two cups daily had half heart attack risks than non-tea drinkers. A study in US conformed that tea can lower bad cholesterol level by an average of 10%. In case cholesterol has already stuck to artery walls, flavonoids in tea, are thought to prevent it from damaging the inner lining.
Cancer Fighter:
In the year 1998, a study in Japan suggested, drinking lot of tea(about 8-10 cups a day), green tea, delayed the onset of cancer by 8-10 years in women, and 3-5 years in men. And an Canadian Research suggest that Men who drank three cups a day were 30% less likely to have prostrate cancer.
Bone Supporter:
Flavonoids also seem to protect Bones. Tea also contains fluoride and chemicals that stop bacteria from spoiling the teeth. It doesnt let bacteria to stick to the teeth, which help fight cavities.
Coming to coffee, it has a very large amount of Caffeine which causes more harm than you usually imagine. Brewed Coffee, carries the maximum amount caffeine, and must be tried to be kept at bay. Instant with very marginal amount makes coffee drinking a pleasure, for mind and body as well.
But when it comes to taste buds, very few drinks compares to a well made coffee.
Well, who on Earth is me to judge the question, on Tea or Coffee!
Its thys choice, and you go by it.
But then, by Health Standards,
Tea wins.