I grew up with both coffee and tea in the house. The tea was plain Lipton and the coffee was instant.(Percolators took a long time to make a pot of real coffee). To this day, nothing soothes quite like acuppa(tea, that is) in a bone china cup with a saucer. I have my own list of idiosyncrasies when it comes to coffee and tea. I dont drinkinstant varieties of either. I can drink coffee out of styrofoam or plastic cups but tea requires the real thing. While I drink both, tea is my preference. Aside from the obvious reason to choose one over the other-TASTE; I also choose tea because its actually good for me. Many benefits are attributed to tea-some have good science behind them. Others are based on small studies and anecdotal reports. Heres some of what Ive found.
Tea is the beverage made from the leaves of a tea plant-not to be confused with the many herbal teas. It has three main categories-Black Teas(fermented), Green(not fermented) and Oolong(semifermented). It is naturally caffeinated. Caffeine can be listed as either a danger or a benefit depending on your perspective. It is a stimulant and it is a diuretic. Although both tea and coffee contain caffeine, the amount in an 8 oz. serving is 3-4 times higher in a cup of coffee(depending on type and brewing methods). If caffeine is a problem, there are decaf versions.
Tea does have proven antioxident effects-mainly from two components-catechins and flavinoids. There are multiple studies showing the effects of tea on blood sugar, heart disease and the suppression of certain cancers. There are studies that suggest that the fluoride in tea inhibits cavities in teeth. Benefits, including reduction of asthma, bad breath and weight loss are also suggested. Some studies have shown that tea decreases mild diarrhea and has antiviral properties. Proving what all out moms instinctively knew when they gave us tea when we were sick.
Green Tea has become very popular in the US over the past couple of years as studies have proved what Eastern Cultures have known for hundreds of years. Green Tea has much more powerful antioxident properties than its fermented cousin.
Most of the studies about the benefits of tea are based on brewed tea. Tea that has been processed intoinstant has questionable benefit.
Bolstered by the scientific evidence, I now view my several cup a day tea habit ashealth food. But still, my car does seem programmed to swing into the local Dunkin Donuts each morning for my daily jolt of steaming, black coffee.