I came across various people who had worked/had been working with Teach For India. At first, I found the organisation interesting and a good NGO working to educate the poor. But the good impression ended there. My experience with the TFI fellows left me with a bitter taste.
They all come across as pseudo-intellectuals who have no knowledge of how the world runs. They live in their own little town called TFIville and never step out of it. They like to tell people how to do their jobs as they have the "experience" in everything. They can do the best and better than the rest. They like to correct everyone and anyone regardless of their knowledge, a trait of a pseudo-intellectual.
They need to get down from their high-horse and see the world as we (non-TFI) people see it. I had never met pretentious douchebags before I met some TFI people. Maybe it is that their welcome mail states that the procedure they went through was equivalent to the Harvard screening procedure.
If you believe in a good deed, keep doing it, do not put airs about it.