Before I write the review I would like to mention that I am a registered member of TBHP. My registration has been confirmed still I am going to write my heart out.
I am not a disgruntled rejected member.I repeat.
As everyone knows how ridiculous it is to get into the elite list. The torture starts right there. It takes minimum of 8 to 10 days for them to confirm your registration.
I mean who the hell are they to guess whether I am fit for being a member or not. Who are they to guess whether I have that special fire in relation to automative world.
Listen administrators . I dont need your f* king certificate whether I am fluent in English or whether my grammar is perfect or not. Neither do you nor can anyone make an opinion by just replying to 3 stupid questions.
You wont confirm membership till 10 days. Where and in which world are you living?
Arrogance led to fall of big empires. You are nothing more than a f* cking Web page.
So 1st step done. You become a lucky member. Now what?
Nothing. Your joy is very short lived as you cant do anything other than posting and then waiting for a moderator to approve your post.
This Idiotic method goes on till you have got 25 posts under your belt.
But mind you. In between those 25 posts be prepared to be bullied by the older members. And if you disagree, just keep your mouth shut or else you will be penalized for infarctions.
But again. Wait a minute.
You completed 25 posts successfully. Hoping now you are a free bird.
No. The bullying by moderators keeps continuing .
One of moderate named GTO is very particular about English and Grammar. I will come to it later.
TBHP claims to be neutral and say always but the truth. Every one has doubts on it now.
Every one is like mad after Fiat cars. According to them Fiat Punto is best looking car. Fiat Linea has got best engine. Fiat service is best.
Every one has habit of Skoda bashing.
Hyundai cars have worse handling.
VW DSG box is fully reliable.
Fiat cars might be good looking. But certainly they are not the best. If linea has best engine and fiat has got best service, why is fiat and its linea at the last spot when you intend to buy a car?
Fiat fixing? Might be. Or rather definitely.
Skoda service might not be A class. But is not as bad as the TBHP claims
Hyundai cars have worst handling. Really? I am driving a Hyundai since 14 years. Never ever I found handling compromised as TBHP claims. Infact Hyundai is 2nd largest car maker. If Hyundai cars handle so badly we would be having a Hyundai car in accident at every corner.
Now for the moderators.
What to say. They are nothing but a bunch of retards. They think as if they are Gods. If you use slang or sms or emoticon you are heavily penalized. But moderator? You must be joking. They are Gods and God is always forgiven. Rather Gods dont do anything wrong.
There are moderators who curse Hyundai for handling. But when it comes to buy cars fir their moms, they buy a Hyundai Grand I10. Wow. Isnt it amazing or rather shocking that you are handing over your beloved mom a worse handling car? Mr Moderator, either you dont love your mom or else you lied when you say Hyundai cars are bad in handling.
Now. Mr GTO.
Whatever I say is less for him. He is the Mr Perfect. No one knows English more than him. He is a Phd English right from Oxford. He always picks you out for spelling and grammatical errors. He says youre wrong. But where? No need of telling. He is God and Gods dint give reasons.
He says he drives a Mercedes A Honda civic but has picture of a Mahindra as his profile picture.
He wont listen. He wont tell where you are wrong. He wont tell the corrections.
Why? Gods.
I lost my interest in TBHP the day this Mr Gto deleted my post just saying grammatical error . And my post is an eye sore. You are yourself an eyesore assh*le.
He might be Mr XYZ .I too have got an entity Mr. You might be a CEO( which I am sure you are not) . I too am a Doctor and 6 months I will be a practicing Surgeon.
You are no one to denigrate and humiliate me.
Whoever intends to join TBHP, I have just following to say.
Dont waste your time and effort trying to find answer to 3 Idiotic questions. Believe me . You are worth more. TBHP is not worth you. I stopped visiting TBHP after 155 posts.
Those who visit hoping for a non biased review, just head elsewhere. Overdrive, Autocar, Gearheads, Motoroids, BCMT etc are lot more informative and non biased.
If even after such negative comments that too from a member, you still intend to loose the self respect. Go ahead. Get registered. Get humiliated. Get bullied .
A hint to qualify 3 questions.
Just keep bluffing. TBHP this . TBHP that.
Never say truth. Doesnt matters if you dont even own a 1975 model Lambretta. Just bluff. Minimum of 3 vehicles is must .
P.S. I have written this post to 100% truth and nothing but truth.
You all have read my review. You people are best judges for my English and Grammar. And yes. I forgot to mention. I was reprimanded for bad English and Grammar. Got penalized thrice for same offence.
; -)