I support paintxprts view on team-bhp. They really are not professionals when it comes to manage a forum. I myself has registered 2 times and at both times they did not accept saying my answer for Why team-bhp is not good enough.
Well, what the hell they mean. They want people to boast about team-bhp even before becoming familiar with the website? Now there will be people who say that grapes are sour. I dont think that is true. The reason they say to reject registration is that
answer to why team-bhp is not accurate
spelling & grammer error - come-on mates we all are indian. and english is not our mother tounge.
In the review part there are some useful information & tips. I appreciate that. But the forum should be open to all who register. No that someone in the background decides it and that too at his convenience. We have to spen atleat 5-10 minutes for registration and I cannot do that once in a week.
All together I will say that it is a good site but in the hands of some monkeys (moderator)
That all !