Does anybody remember visiting a Premier Automobiles workshop, or showroom back in the 1980s? Those were days when people had to beg at the doors of the now defunct company to get an outdated, poorly finished Padmini. Some even had to get the cars on Taxi permit.And the manufacturers thought they had the last laugh.
Team Bhp is also in its heyday at the moment.the arrogant moderators and members belittle everyone who think their experiences are worth sharing. The membership is restricted on the basis of an essay about why the user wants to join the forum. What can one answer in this? BECAUSE I LIKE YOUR SITE THE CONTENT and the pictures! What other reason could be there to join this kind of a forum? But those egostic idiots expect the users to lick their shoes and repeat attempts at getting membership. They think that their elite company is invincible.
Readers, please note the similarity in the approach being followed by team bhp and Premier auto. Both are taking us for granted. And both will meet a similar and befitting end. Please boycott the site, and stop visiting the forums. Lets make sites like match the tbhp site in content and quality. Those rich racist blokes out there need to be given a taste of their own medicine.