Dear Folks,
TechMahindras Culture is shared by a group of people, and made up of the following:-
values - stop kidding. only values we have around here are unethical ones-loot, spoil, betray, denigrate, deteriorate, divide, discriminate. soul-destroying
beliefs - we believe in gender discrimination, caste/racial discrimination, going back on our words, exploitating employees, fleecing customers, fooling shareholders. [Upper management heavily shortsell their stock before they quit;-)]
underlying assumptions - we assume that despite of our below attitudes and behavior we will continue to fool all the people, all of the time
attitudes - narrow-minded, thickly veiled, brainsick, demented, destructive, ravaging, poisounous,
behaviors - bossy, disturbed, deranged [psychic to some extent], distressed, messy, uneducated HR, sick upper mgmt
TechMs Culture is represented in their group’s:
language - vernacular, ghaati language, even the seniors use hindi, marathi, mixture of english, etc in formal communications
decision making - uninformed, vulture-instinct, senior management makes decisions by keeping their vested interests in mind
symbols - they think they willRise, but their fall is imminent. Creating the next wave was earlier goofed up asRiding the next wave
stories and legends - techm is well known blacklisted for sacking employees inhumanly, they think theyre American; they are losers
daily work practices - is this a joke? therere no practicses, its random, haphazard. routine is calling up your family, friends, roaming.
my$0.02= some longtimers, veterans, achievers in techm think(once they have bootlicked their way to this tg4 grade after amassing a bunch of pounds sterling under their asses) that theyre the king of the worlds, the smartest and best. believe me a sane person cant hold a converstaion more than 20 minutes with these dickheads. their whole life revolves around paycheck, techm, managers, seniors in co, raise, hike, and news about techm. these frogs in puddle know least about the technology developments happening around outside their world of project and fully [and solely] attuned to the happenings in techm. theyre enslaved, so helplessly tied to this workplace, they really cant fit elsewhere. they have their owngenius circle
Good for married ladies, mothers, old lassies, and females in this categories. its like ekta kapoors [soap opera] for office!
Good for furniture [vegetable-like] gentleman who have surrendered their life to mediocrity, and guys who like to keep on suckling the tits of their managers [typical cramming school toppers and ass-licking favorites of teachers have the best opportunity here]
For a predictable short-term stability, and for people who are tied to EMIs, home loans etc techm might be a good short term stint [not a long term final solution]
Heaven for people who have never heard of innovation, creativity; and for those who are undergoing their mid-life crisis
Or it is best for employees who have a parallel income/business, so they can use techm to its own good, and turn its policies on its head [hardly 0.1% might have actually done this]
It is also temporarily nice job for [lateral] people who have landed a good salary, so to stay for like 2 years while settling down their personal matters and who need a pause in their life to sort out their family issues
But yes, once you get a hang of this workplace, you can actually exploit techm culture to your own advantage [regularization, wfh, calls, etc]
it used to be a good place for onsite$ [not not as good as infosys, etc], but lately chances are less, and with the falling payscale, rising inflation, your meagre savings will not be satisfactory
anyone needing [more] cons, drop a comment below. paste it on facebook, tweet it, spread it. why dont u try to paste this on techms own fbook wall? tweet it at their own space? digg it, blog it, post it in forums. I am sure you will find the cons yourself.