It has hire and fire policy, it hires when it gets project and fires when there is no project. In a way it plays with peoples careers by hiring and firing as per their requirements. It doesnt come in news as it fires one-by-one and not in bulk. It fires from all verticals. It doesnt think twice before firing that what would be the impact of this on a persons career and financial status. Managers fire their subordinates to retain their position. So its a dirty game within Tech Mahindra. Nearly all the projects are second shift project, so they ask employees to stay in office till 10-11pm everyday.
Some people are incompetent for the position they hold, so you would find people who have done just BSc are working as Project managers. They just want someone to work in second shift so they hire sub-standard developers writing faulty codes.
Lot of regionalism exists so they prefer local people than outsiders.