<b><i>Technology is definitely a boon.</i></b>
The reason for title (Technologie - bénédiction dans le déguisement) is due to the fact that someone already took the english title Blessing in disguise for the same. :)
<b><i>… Is technology boon or bane? </i></b>is an excellent topic to debated upon. As a trained technologist, I naturally am inclined to take the Boon stand. The critic in me asks me to take the bane side. I shall try to do a volte-face now and then to explore both the options.
<b><i>Technology – A definition. </i></b>
Man has advanced unbelievably in the past century, more so in the past millennium. What is the reason for all this, there is no question whatsoever, that technology is the answer.
<b><i>Technology is application of science</i></b>. A scientist invents/discovers things. A Technologist is an applied scientist who applies knowledge gained whilst inventing and discovering to use in an effective way. The technology is meant to be fruitful and to be utilized in a fruitful manner. Let us take the basic definition of Technology being application of knowledge of science.
<b><i>Technology - History </i></b>
Over the years, the mankind has advanced leaps and bounds with the help of technology. (By technology, I mean both Scientists and Engineers as both are partners in crime!). If you take a look at the <b><i>100 top influential persons of the last millennium done by the Biography channel (https://biography.com) </i></b>, you will see a complex mix of Scientists, Statesmen, Literary Figures and Entertainers. How many Technologists in this list of 100, almost 50!!. This is a small example of how technologists improved the lifestyle of humans.
Technology improved a lot over time. This world became a global village due to technology. Before <b><i>Gutenberg</i></b>, information sharing was not thought about. Though the Chinese had other means of storing artifacts, the Most influential man of the last millennium invented something that allowed people to print the knowledge and share information. Libraries came along. All the knowledge was available for any one to refer to.
As per Colton.
<b><i> “A man who knows the world will not only make the most of everything he does know, but of many things that he does not know; and will gain more credit by his adroit mode of hiding his ignorance than the pendant by his awkward attempt to exhibit his erudition.” </i></b>
Before this technological invention by the most influential man of the past millenium, most of the people were held in <b><i>the most torturous prison in the world called “ignorance”. </i></b>
Medical Scientists invented so many things, the invention of surgery by <b><i>Saraka and Sushruta, Homeopathy by Hahnemann, Blood Group recognition, Pasteurization etc etc. </i></b>All were result of knowledge sharing and innovation.
What was the average lifetime for a human in the 1st century, probably 30-40. What was the infant mortality rate? You can mention many things improvised dramatically that were direct result of technology.
Education, creation of new sciences, creation of new methods and mechanisms everything improved due to technology. Even the warfare improved due to technology. Many technologists got killed for speaking out the truth. Many were pioneers to improve the lifestyle of mankind.
As the ALS affected, <b><i>world’s most renowned astrophysicist Dr. Stephen Hawking puts it “I think that science itself is morally neutral. But scientists themselves need not be morally neutral…. They have moral responsibilities.” </i></b>
Almost all of the technologists of the world, past present and future have performed morally strong way, to enhance the human lifestyle.
Anything we associate with is direct result of technology. Without that I wouldn’t be writing this review and you wouldn’t be reading the same.
<b><i>What are the banes of Technology? </i></b>
Like Vivek rightfully (https://mouthshut.com/readreview/35041-1.html) put up in his article, everything should be in moderation.
There is a saying in Tamil, <b><i> “Azhavukku meerinal Amirthamum Nanju” which means that when taken in abundance, even “ambrosia” (Food of the Gods, for lack of better words), itself becomes poison. </i></b>
Nowadays, we are inventing technology for technology’s sake. For everything, there is an antidote coming up.
Where technology is a bane depends on the use of technology. Technology has helped modern warfare jump leaps and bounds over the years. This is where many of the negativity of technology get reflected. People didn’t know the negativity of technology until a Hiroshima & Nagasaki happened. The list can go on.
<b><i>I can go on and on and on, if only MS would let me do it. I shall stop here and wait for your comments which are most welcome! </i></b>
Have a nice day