Reading reviews of new computer stuff has been my hobby right from the beginning. Though im not really a computer pro, I was always looking out to refresh and upgrade my computer knowledge. The very few sites that I visited were Tom’s hardware etc which were all abroad sites and the products they reviewed reached India quite late.
Then I came across finally a website by Indians and for the Indians.
Techtree is basically a website which reviews basic computer hardwares, Peripherals, Softwares, Mobile computing products, Games etc.
You don’t have to be a computer professional to visit this site, if you have an interest in computers, know a few computer fundas and want to know more..then your qualified enough to visit and read the stuff out there.
The home page features the latest review and also gives you the option to go into any particular section of your preferences: Basics(reviews on motherboards, processors, monitors, sound cards, cdroms etc), Peripherals(printers, scanners, speakers), Entertainment(portable audio/video), Mobile computing(phones, pda, notebooks), Software(internet tools, systems tools), Games(reviews, tips & tricks), News & downloads.
The reviews are written by the techtree team after testing the product in their test labs.
A comprehensive result of the testing is mentioned in each review. A comparison is also done with any product similar available.
The language used by these people is quite easy to understand but obviously as these are technical reviews there are some technical terms used which might be a little difficult for a layman to be understood.
The best part is that the reviews are unbiased.
The expected market price is also mentioned which could help you in comparing prices offered to you by dealers.
You can go ahead and put in comments, if you don’t like the review or disagree or need more information about the product.
If you are facing any PC problem.. Believe me when I say any. You can just click on ask techtree and their experts will analyze and provide you with a solution possibly on the same day and well there are other expert visitors who also post a could also got through their database and could find your solution right there. All this totally free and you dont even have to be a member.
The website is updated daily and you have a new review everyday.
The best among the many!!
I would definitely recommend you guys to at least visit it once.
The only downside could be, pages take time to load.