Soon after my engineering in aeronautics, I was in search of a job that fits my career goal and learned about TECHZILON’s training program in CAE & CFD.
I understood the scope of CAE in the aeronautical companies is good. I joined Techzilon in the month of June’13.
The quality of training provided at Techzilon improved my knowledge and skills. I thank all technical and management staffs, especially my faculty who enriched my theoretical knowledge with practical cases and application in Industries. I got selected in the interview in Zuti Engineering, Hyderabad.
In addition, I thank everyone of this institute, for guiding me through the selection procedures, and giving useful tips to handle the interview. I was given a large number of tool testers prior to the interview it was a great help in improving my skill in software.
During practice session, the support of system availability and assistance from the faculty is highly commendable. I should thank my trainer, who was my guide throughout my course in CAE. He also assisted me in my project work. I wish the best for the students at Techzilon and be rest assured, your decision of being here is right.