TEESORT.com - what an idea! to sell tees online so simple it just does not need anything else to describe. I thought I will give a introduction about this site but thats it - it is just a plain site which sells tee shirts and nothing else and their collection is 5-7 pages long.
If you hear about such a place which sells only t-shirts one has two pictures in mind - either its a gourmet collection of amazing stuff with very high quality since they are dealing with one and only product OR it may be one of those street vendors selling cheap Chinese stuff at extremely cheap prices. However the sad part is that teesort.com takes side with the latter one but has uno difference they sell their cheesy/gaudy and substandard stuff at higher prices.
I really want to write a nice detailed review about this site but seriously there is no content, their range is small, the slogans on shirts are super cheesy, the prices are high, and offer are full of scam. But how come with so many cons at one place and still one lands up on this site, coz of the offers and nothing else specially the one on snapdeal.com - it is really sad to see a big internet company like snapdeal.com without any research is promoting like teesort via daily de.
complete review at https://reviewsandobservation.blogspot.com/