Tarun tejpal is simply outstanding. hey ppl. check out tehelkas new avtaar. n now its available for
an annual subscription of 52 issues for 100 bucks only. the
stories n editorials r amazing.
go for it ppl.
its really enlightening. .n worth ur time.
I guess its now available across india. through courier for subscribers.
I m at mumbai n I have subscribed
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in a nut shell. its for ppl who follow Indian Express n Outlook.
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I dont know whether tehelka is the same since its launch or not. .
but I must say. its genuine now n u will surely like this
piece of journalism.its worth ur time. give it a shot guys.
reply back guys. after reading.
tarun tejpal s freaking . want more of those expose too. hope to see some soon. mr tejpal.
thanks everyone/.
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