“Simplicity Rules”
Yes that’s very true, the more simpler the website far better it is. Google has been always the best example as far as simplicity goes. Its very important that the website should use minimum resources and give maximum output. It should load fast and should be rich in content.
Teldir.com is a website which solves the purpose by giving the desired result in a very proper manner.
Teldir is the only comprehensive website with the original online phone books with over 400 links to the yellow pages of the world.
Now days in the era of internet, it usually happens when you are into real chatting and many a times some one will give you a phone number and before calling you want to check up whether the number given is valid or not, instead logging out of the internet and calling the Telephone service and checking the number, you can just log on to this website and check the number whether it is valid or not.
Teldir has basically tied up with the different telecom service provider of the world and for any number right from Africa to Australia you have got all the yellow pages, White pages, Business Directories and Email Addresses available.
The distribution is based on different continents.
North American & Caribbean
Asia & Middle East
South & Central America
Australia & Pacific
For all the above continents they have tied up with the respective Telecom Service Providers. For E.g Mumbai and Delhi they have MTNL
For Email Address Searches
Yahoopeople search
Usenet address Database
Internet Address finder
They have some other useful links, like for the TV schedule for your favourite shows they have tied up with https://Tvshow.com. They also have the country and the area codes.
In short anything and everything on Telecom Services and the searches related to them.
The best part of the website is its simplicity and the faster loading time.
Navigation: Pretty Easy
Loading: Pretty Fast
Design: Simple
Content: Rich
So, next time when a stranger gives you a number or want to find your old friends email address, you know were you have to go…