I ordered the Rotomatic tool marketed by Telebrands India a few weeks ago, and have always bitterly regretted doing so. When I opened the parcel (you have to order by VPP), I found the plastic carry case smashed. The tool itself is so flimsy that it actually creaks when handled. Some of the accessories were broken and some were missing, and the tool didnt work even after charging. I wrote to Telebrands and even sent them a picture by e-mail of the smashed case and broken accessories, but they didnt bother to reply.
I opened up the tool and found that the wires from the battery to the motor terminals hadnt been soldered, their bare ends had just been wrapped around the terminals, and one had come loose. The tool worked after soldering, but it makes a very loud, jarring noise and vibrates a lot. THIS IS A VERY FLIMSY AND CHEAP IMITATION OF A GREAT PRODUCT, PLEASE DONT BE FOOLED BY THE GLOSSY ADS. DONT BUY IT, AND DONT BUY ANYTHING FROM TELEBRANDS. THEY CHEAT.
Besides, there are travelling salesmen who travel door-to-door peddling genuine Telebrand products at unbelievable discounts. I refused to buy the Rotomatic tool from one such salesman for about Rs 500 less than what I had to ultimately pay because I thought the item was a fake. It wasnt.