I brought a new telinar sim on 15th of this month. While purchase submitted my adhar card and photos. The vendor told me sim will be activated on 16th evening. Called the activation department number and confirmed my details. They said that my sim is approved and I should call 123 so that I can make outgoing and get incoming calls.
Called 123 they verified and said sim will be activated in next 15 mins. The next 1 mins never comes up. I am making call to them as of today still my sim is not working. Each day I am calling they says technical problem after 15 mins. They always saing the same. Since last two days you need to wait for 24 hours. even the 24 hrs never comes up. Again today called now different answer your sim will work shortly. I asked what is ETA answer is shortly activated no time frame.
So friends think before buying the telinor/uninor mobile sim.