Dreams, whether they are real or imaginary they affect your psychie in such a way that people have trouble getting rid of them for many days and so are brought back to those bad memories every time they are alone.
This is a phenomenal writeup on a topic which is very rare in todays world.Multiple Personality Disorder or MPD as known by all is a very rare disease.The people affected by this disease often have blackouts and dont remember what happened to them a few hours ago.
The protagonist in Tell Me Your Dreams is a female by the name of Ashley. She is the daughter of a famous surgeon Dr. Stephen and she has had a terrible past.As she walks along the road she feels that she is stalked by people and that there is someone following her. As she moves on with her normal working life there a series if murders taking place that she is not aware about.These deaths are very horrifying and different.In between the play the scene shifts another persons life.His name is David.He is a criminal lawyer who moves on to company law due to some reason...
The story moves from the beautiful city of Quebec to Rome and from London to San Francisco.As he story continues there are more killings and each become more horrifying than the previous. It baffles each and every one that each of the killings in different places turn out to be the same as others..
The story is very well written and it has certainly opened my eyes to the kind of diseases that are out there...
A piece of advice. Dont read this book in the night... You would probably get nightmares...