When I read the title, I was wondering HOW Id manage to find 10 authors whose books I love(I am sorta choosy:D) .sO LET ME see how many I can find who has impressed me( this is not necessarily in order)
P G Wodehouse - I have read and reread his books so many times and they still manage to make me laugh, that too quite loudly! Be it theJEEVES series or the Blandings series(and the prize Winning Pig!), All of them are amazingly witty. An author you should not miss
JRR Tolkien - Needs no introduction. The LORD of the RINGS is a class apart .I have always been amazed by this guys imagination and his ability to create a Fantasy world So well
Michael Crichton - Although its not in my fav genre of humour, I love his factually correct writing style and his imagination is to die for! State of Fear is the latest book I read and it was unputdownable
4.R.K.Narayan - I havent missed even a single book written by him. Swami and Friends was one of his humorous best while Guide is one of his most griipping tales.
5.Roald Dahl - His Short story collection is amazing . Each tale is different and gripping in its own premise
6.Arundhati Roy - Her GOD OF SMALL THINGS was written in such a unique style that I was bowled over by her in the first 5 pages!Definitely a writer who will conquer more hearts as time goes by
7.Amongst the classic writers, I like Charles Dickens the best. HisDAVID COPPERFIELD is a touching tale filled with drama and takes you on an emotional roller coaster.
- I would like to club 2-3 authors in this one. John Grisham, Jeffrey Archer, Sidney Sheldon have never failed to entertain me when I am really bored, sitting at the airport waiting for my flights. I owe a lot to these!
9.Ayn Ran - All her books are centered on Characters who are strong and can stand against society.Fountain Head had Roark, Atlas Shrugged has John Galt AND dAnconia and a few more . What I love about her books is that, you feel the need to look into yourself and analyse your character and what Youve been standing for all these years after reading them. Her unique philosophy of objectivism is something Ive admired all my life
10.Okay I was wrong about being choosy! I can think of So many more authors who fit here! Enid Blyton was my childhood favourite who has in the real sense introduced me to the world of books.
Then theres Mark Twains Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Fin. And Who can forget J.K.Rowling who gave us HARRY PUTTAR;).