I am sharing my thoughts on some of the best albums on chants meant for meditation.
Sacred Chants of Shiva *
For anyone looking for an album on meditation this is IT! I heard it first whenmy roommate who was into meditation and "Art of Living" used to play itquite often. This album is from the singers of the Art of Living. There arereally few albums on meditation which can be heard in the morning or when oneneeds to relax before going to sleep and this album doesn’t let you down.
The album has six tracks, the first five are compositions of sanskrit chantswhile the last one is meant more for meditation, sort of repetitive. The albumis credited to Craig Pruess who’s a devotee of Sri Ravi Shankar. The trackslisted are
Shiva Manas Puja 2. Bhavanyastakam 3. Shivoham 4. Atmastakam 5. Lingashtakam
Om Nama Shiva
One of the best tracks of the album is Shivoham which starts with a beautifulflute rendition, listening to this track in the morning can be invigorating.What this album really stands out from the rest is the tone of the album. Thebest way to listen to this music is on your discman or walkman, you will forgeteverything and get a good night’s sleep. The recording of the tracks is of thehighest quality.
Chants of India
*While surfing through the CD collection at the temple library in the US, Icame across this album. I decided to give it a try as it was produced by Pt.Ravi Shanker.
- Vandanaa Trayee 2. Omkaaraaya Namaha 3. Vedic Chanting 4. Asato Maa 5. Sahanaa Vavatu 6. Poornamadah 7. Gaayatri8. Mahaa Mrityunjaya 9. Veenaa-Murali 10. Geeta 11. Mangalam 12. Hari Om 13. Svara Mantra 14. VedicChanting 15. Prabhujee 16. Sarve Shaam
From the 16 tracks on this album, about 4 of them are individual compositionslike tracks 9, 13, 15 etc. The CD leaflet gives a detailed descriptionof the album and also the chants are listed there wherea the cassette doesn’tgive all the details. All the chants are rendered beautifully especially theGayatri mantra. Though I haven’t heard the Gayatri album by Times Music, theGayatri mantra rendition on this album is really good.
The tracks from 3 to 8 are the ones that really stand out in this album. Like the previous album, this one scores on the quality of the recording and the tone of the album.
Essence of the Vedas
I bought this one recently as I was looking for another album with chants init. It is a a compilation of the vedas with translation after each chant. Thereis a signature tune by Pt. Jasraj.
Rigveda, Yajurveda and Atharvaveda recitation is by Vedamoorthy K SharaschandraBhat, Arun Iyer.
Samaveda recitation by Sri Srirama Sroutigal, Sri Sudarshana Sroutigal.
The renditions of Samaveda and Athrvaveda are little bit different from the first two renditions and is really worth a mention. It is very uplifting and spiritual. While the first two albums depend on music to acheive this feat, the recitations on this album are so good that need not depend on music!!
Another album that I bought recently, Mantra Shakti, a collection of 22 mantras with renditions by Suresh Wadkar is also good.
I welcome your valuable comments on other albums which you feel are worth mentioning.