Hello everyone,
These are the Ennglish movies that I enjoyed the most and feel that they are the best so far and if anybody has some comments or agreement or disagreements do not hesitate to mail me. Your comments are very valuable to me.
Matrix - The hero in this movie is Keanu Reeves and it is a great science fiction movie. It talks about the entire world being only an illusion and how we are controlled by machines in the mind. The special effects and the action scenes are really too much.
Godfather - This is a mafia story. It is in 3 parts but I like Godfather 1 very much. Al Pachino is the hero (Michel Corelone) and his acting is superb. Even the story and the music are really superb.
Titanic - This is the best love story I have ever seen. Kate Winslate and Leonardo are the hero and heroine and they fall in love on a ship called Titanic which had an accident and sunk. The songs by Celine Diane are simply too much and they are my favourite. I always feel like crying in the end of the movie.
Lion King - This is a caroon movie by Walt Disney and about jungle life in Africa. The story is how a small lion cub grows up to fight against a cruel lion. Again the animation and songs are too superb.
Ghost - The hero is Patrick Swayse and the story is that he is murdered and becomes a ghost to come and protect his loving wife who is Demmi Moore. It is a very touching story but also has superb comedy in it. I first thought it was a horror movie when I saw the title.
Fugitive - The hero of this movie is Harrision Ford and he is a doctor who is unjustly implicated in his wifes murder. I think this the best action movie that I like.
Forest Gump - Tom Hanks is my favourite actor and he is the hero in this movie. He won the Oscar for best Actor. It is a very funny and sad movie at the same time.
Terminator 2 - Arnold is the hero in this movie and this is a science fiction movie. The action stunts and special effects in this movie are too much.
Sixth Sense - This was directed by Indian director Shyamalan with Bruce Willis as hero. It is a great suspense movie and I cannot tell anything more because the suspense will be spoilt.
American History X - This movies Hero is Edward Norton and this is about the Neo-Nazis and the Ku Klux Klan in the USA. Edward Norton becomes a good man but he still cannot prevent witnessing the cataclysmic violence that shatters his life and his familys. Most powerful performance I have ever seen on screen.
Thanks and Best regards,