Hmmm. My Fav videos,
Well there are many more than 10 act, but what the heck! here it is.
1. Ozzy Osbourne - *Bark at the Moon
Man does this guy rock or what?! Giving us hits after hits through his years in the industry, finally to become the joke that e has become on MTV(usa)
The video shows Ozzy as Dr. Jekyl I believe.
The Vid that Ive got is an old one, but its so cool watching the stalwart when he was young!
The song itself revolves around the same theme it goes
Then when hes found who hes looking for
Listen in awe and youll hear him
Bark at the moon
Awesome song. Crazy Video!
1. Guns N Roses - November Rain
WhichBest Videos list doesnt have this song?
One of the better songs on Use Your Illusion albums. Awesome Vid
1. Rammstein - *Du Hast
This is one of the better German bands around. Their vocalist Till Lindemann has an amazing deep voice, which does this song justice.
This Viideo has an amazing storyline, which makes it even better
Brilliant production on this video. a must have for all you rokers out there!
1. Slipknot - Vermillion pt.1
Another cool Vid with a storyline. Love it.
1. Rage Against The Machine - Bulls On Parade
What A Song! With an equally cool Vid.
So much supressed anger n rage is vented in this song. Oh! RATM at its best!
A lot of people will disagree, but in my opinion Evil Empire is their best studio effort. Better than The Battle of LA atleast
I esp. love the way De La Rocha goesThey Rally Round your family, With A Pocket Full Of Shells sends chills down my spine!
1. Metallica - *One
I was surprised no one had this on their lists?(Not on the ones I read atleast)
Awesome song, Awesome Vid. Jus check out Ulrichs drums after da solo. mindblowing man.
N all praise for metallica for makin this video. Amazing!
1. Metallica - *The Unforgiven
Another cool Vid by metallica. Ive always been a fan of old school metallica, but load n reload arent that bad. But St. Anger is a piece of sht.
I neva made out what this song is about, but one of the members, Calvin I believe explains it well.
1. Metallica - *Turn The Page
Hehe. In my city, this was the most requested dong on a local tv channel. not coz ppl liked the song, but because of the unsensored Vid!
Cool vid, bout a life of a hooker.
1. Metallica - *Master Of Puppets(S &M version)
I neva got to see the original Video of this song( don think they made it)
But the S & M version is cool. Its one of the few songs that actually sound good with that stupid orchestra behind. Hetfields voice just glides in this song. Cool!
1. Cradle Of Filth - *Her Ghost In the Fog
One of the few bands I listen to of this Genre.
Creepy Vid, goes with the theme of the song.
1. Nirvana - *Smells Like Teen Spirit
Act, the Vidoe aint so great, but the song is.
The Production on this Vid is horrible. My girlfriend likes this song a LOT. its like her Fav song.
Still, the Legend of Curt Kobain(Sounds like a movie title doesnt it?!?) cannot be ignored!
He was a great singer and song writer. andNo I dont have a Gun may just be the most creepiest.( Is that a correct usage?) lines ever written, or sung. esp after what was to happen 3 years later.
Why Kurt, Why?
1. U2 - *Vertigo
Im not a very big fan of this band, but I saw the Vid on MTV, n it was awesome, I imm ddownloaded it from kazaa.
Bloody cool video
1. Eminem - *Just Lose It
Hehe. this Vid is soo funny, Its soo cool the way He mocks MJ. neva liked that dude anyways.
1. Hoobastank - *The Reason
Another Cool Vid, with a storyline
Thats about what I can conjure!
P.S. - I couldnt select which was best, so all are numbered as #1!
Hope you agree with the list, If theres anything missing, lemme k.