can give you the MD5 checksum of the file.
You can encrypt and decrypt with the command line. You can do lot of things but crypto is not for everyone. It is a very deep science. So let me leave you there so you can sleep at peace tonight.:-)
4) tr
Most people have not even used it once though everyone has heard of it. It translates text, it can be used for UNIX to DOS file format conversion,
$tr -d\r
It can squeeze out blanks lines, delete unwanted characters, squeeze spaces and so on. It is not feature rich but whatever it does it does well and it can play very well with other software like figlet(see below) for some excellent stuff.
$ tr [a-z] [A-Z]
will convert all lowercase to uppercase.
$tr -s\n
will remove duplicate successive blank lines.
5) figlet
Wow! This is really amazing. I have really wondered what people do to create ASCII graphics. I tried doing it in Vim and failed badly. I think it should be really painstaking.
And ASCII art looks too good in signatures in email. If you write your name with it, people will instantly fall in love with you. Dont ask me how many people fell in love with me!:-) Ha ha! I have never tried that.
$figlet girish
will type girish in a specific ASCII font. You should necessarily install the companion package figlist for an exhaustive collection of fonts.
And of course please dont forget to use it with tr. Fortunately the man page gives a useful example for that.
6) fortune
If any of my previous employers read this, I think they will beat me up. Because this is the only game I play. And it is no game at all. It is very enlightening as Oscar Wilde said,
Its failings notwithstanding, there is much to be said in favor of journalism
in that by giving us the opinion of the uneducated, it keeps us in touch with
the ignorance of the community.
I think if you are like me( I would like to think you are), then you will love this.
$fortune -mOscar
7) mplayer
I misunderstood this section as meaning only command line utilities. I forgot that I could write about any free software. Anyway mplayer is also a command line tool only even though it is used to play movies and audio of any format. Just mplayer and file name in the command line will take you places.
Pressing the arrow keys do the right thing. Skip multiple frames or rewind.
8) openuniverse
This is a GUI based galaxy exploration tool, but beware you need a recent graphics card with 3D capability and also it needs a good CPU. I have not played much with it, never got around to doing it.
9) windowmaker
The sexiest window manager on UNIX. It wins hands down compared to KDE or GNOME or any other. It is actually not comparing apples to apples since Windowmaker is not a desktop but still I have never liked anything else enough to make a switch. I have not tried xfce much, so maybe I have not seen enough of the world yet.
It was written by a Brazilian programmer and it is truly classy. It is the sexiest desktop I have ever seen. Takes a small amount of time to get used to it but it looks marvellous and is also simple and somewhat user friendly.
And of course it is very very very fast even on very old hardware because it is very slim. I should congratulate GNOME here because though they got several things wrong, it also works very well on old hardware because of one single decision, they wrote in C instead of C+.
10) ssh
ssh and its companion scp are one of the sexiest innovations of the recent past. As usual OpenBSD folks are very bad at inventing, but they quickly identify good stuff and come out with something supernatural. They are very very brilliant, committed folks. In fact they are so good that in their hackathons, there are really no talks, only coding.
They have the attitude, Shut up and code. I like it a lot. What about you?
For mirroring your home directory type,
$ssh -r~ user@host:
And ssh can also execute remote commands instead of logging in and giving you a shell. You can just enter
$ssh hostdate
if you want to know the date at the remote machine.
In fact using the dd command with ssh, you can even transfer arbitrary input to a remote machine. Almost like accessing a remotely mounted file system.
And using companion tools like ssh-agent and ssh-add you can login to machines without entering passwords using an RSA or DSA key pair.
Hope you enjoyed this nice little sojourn. Bye till we meet again in my next article.