My 10 Favorite PC games. The following are tops on my list of PC games:
FIFA 2000: A scintillating football simulation game created by EA Sports. You have all of Europe’s hottest clubs including the English Premier League and the Spanish La Liga. Great graphics and precise commentary.
Starcraft: A strategy game released by Blizzard Entertainment. You’re required to set up buildings, maintain resources and wage war against your foes to advance to further stages. Great storyline and lighting effects.
Quake 3 Arena: Following Quake 1 and Quake 2, Id games released Quake 3 Arena. You still play in the same Strogg environment with your online computer guiding you throughout the levels. A great shoot-em up with strong environment layout and design.
Half-Life: Similar to Quake 3 Arena, a great shoot-em up with an absolutely cool storyline and brilliant graphics. The game, however, requires a 3D graphics card for enhanced frame acceleration.
Motocross-2: After the grand success of Motocross-1, EA Sports came out with Moocross-2. A true racing experience to the core, it features original Japanese super-bikes and dirt bikes. Extensively designed race courses with great graphics and fluid animation.
The Sims: Released by the same guys who created Sim City 2000, this game lets you build a community, set up buildings, maintain the economic infrastructure and control the lives of millions of people called the Sims. Great technology and cool graphics.
Nightmare Creatures: Set in 17th century London, this game pitches you in a race against time to save the city. You play in stunningly created backgrounds with beautiful settings as you fight your way through. You have various weapons and are free to se them as and when required. Great game with smooth controllability.
Carmaggedon: You drive around a city earning points and cash by literally charging into people with your car and killing them. Beautiful settings and a different storyline made it a smash hit.
The Curse of Monkey Island: You play the game by touching, feeling and talking to anything and everything on the screen. You collect items, interpret clues and fight your enemies as you unravel the curse of Monkey Island.
Monster Truck Madness 2: Released by Microsoft after Monster Truck Madness 1, this game features monster trucks: trucks with normal-size bodies fitted with extra-large wheels. Yu race around the specially designed tracks bumping into fellow trucks and trying to cross the finish line. You don’t have the invisible walls like in other games i.e. you are free to explore the environment as you like.