Considering the prolific output of raja( reportedly over 800 films) and considering there is no accounting for taste, it comes as little surprise that there are hundreds of "my fav" lists for raja songs. I have been one of those die hard fans of raja whose ears refused to relish any other composers music with the same fervor and savor as they did the maestros unique fare. I have endeavored to put together those songs that were unparaled specimens for one reason or the other. Lets take a look at them.
1.kannan oru kaii Kuzhandai.- one of the very early songs of raja that still remains absolute attention grabber when it gets played. Mind blowing melody perfectly enriched by Jesudas deep voice.
- Then malli poove - another absolute stunner from vintage raja.The orchestration of prelude and interludes is stupendous and the tune superlative. while the other song from the film Vasantha kala kolangal is fairly well known, pity it gets rarely mentioned which I guess is partly due to the fact the male singer was TMS who isnt a great favourite of the latter day music buffs. If only Jesudas or SPB was used I am sure this song would ve been a perennial favourite of a great many
3 .Engum niraintha - This is one of the songs( from taxi driver) that haunted me when I was getting converted to Raja back then. It is sung by jayachandran( not jesudas) and janaki Well what more to say but refer time and again to the lovely interludes and a great tune.
4.Vaa pon mayile - well raja SPB combo has resulted in countless hits. This song fom poonthalir is a relentlessly haunting melody. one of those songs that sound not to have come from vocal cords but straight from the heart. All kudos for SPB for rendering it so soulfully.
5.Pudiya poovidu - yes yes I can hear you screaming "what not kannane or thendral vanthu" from the film( thendral vanthu ennai thodu)? well those songs are classics in their own right but I pick pudiya poovidu for its ground breaking instrumentation of the song. The music arrangement is iconoclastic and is completely avant garde in style as compared to the music we ve been listening to thus far. Epoch making in every sense of the word.
6. Uravenum well much of what I have written for the previous song applies to this gem from Nenjatte killade.The prelude is absolutely a mindbender followed by inventive interludes with heavy influence of western clasical masterfully adapted to indian musical sensiblitiess.Paruvame, another song from the film, might be more popular but this song wins hands down for being an out and out original aural experience
7Kadhal mayyakkam - another breathtaking song from pudumai penn sung by jayachandran and sunanda with innovative table arrangement(raja is well known for using tabla in the most unconventional ways)
8.Maasi maasam - nothing much needs to be said of this glorious song which is almist everyones favourite. Inventive drum arrangement by raja ably supported by sensuous chorus and a tune tailor made for jesudas deep bass voice. you cant help wallowing in its charm
9. Enna sattam - a song that perfectly depicts the situational mood and one only spb can do justice to. observe how raja straughtaway lauches into the pallavi without much ado that is virtually without any prelude.
10.Kadhal oviyam - Apart from his composition for other singers raja has a large chunk of hits sung in his own voice. I had to pass by songs like naan thedum aarum athu metti oli to select for this list. and I was greatly torn between oru jeevan from gethanjali and kadhal oviyam and the latter had to prevail considering the enchanting interludes and the innovative fusion of western and eastern music.
Well it is superhuman task for anyone to just cull ten songs from the countless hits raja gave in his more than two decade career. It is clear that I deliberately avoided mentioning female solos which I intend to reserve for another review if I receive positive feedback from the readers