Whats the world coming up to man! Jingles are spreading like a fire in the jungle, taking over the control from a layman. Not understanding the point I wanna make here. Ill Explain!
Jingles, Jingles Jingles everywhere. I Call it the J Virus which is highly contagious affecting any living thing, and if not dealt with properly, can become extremely buggy.
Symptoms: Involuntary action of singing absurd Jingles in anytime of the day(even Night!).
Cause: Watching a lot of Television these days OR staying with a person who watches a lot of TV.
Cure: Non Curable.
My young sister is one of those infected by the J Virus. A few days back, I was sitting on my computer checking my mails, she came in singing "Washing Powder Nirma, Washing Powder Nirma, Doodh si safedi Nirma se aaye.". I was looking at her constantly till the time she was in the room and it seems that she had no control over her Jzzz. She didnt even know that she was singing something. Horrifying! It sounded like the Twinkle Twinkle the ghost sings in Evil Dead.
I was scared to death. She had moved out of the room, but I could still hear her sound. And then, BOOM she goes. "Machar Hu Mein, Louie Mera Naam. ".
Well! She was not the first Victim I had met. Infact, I have met more severe ones whose condition now is just irreversible. One of them was a buddy of mine at work. His Condition was so severe, that he used to frame his normal statements in a Jingle and sing them along. He Never Speaks, he only Sings.
His favourite was the close up Jingle which came up quite often from him. I remember the day when my PL called upon a meeting to discuss an issue with two of us. The Issue was severe, and he was briefly explaining it to us. And when he paused for a few minutes. this guy went "Kya aap Close Up Karte Haieeee.". We Just couldnt control the laughter and we both(Me and My PL) just bursted out. Well, we both knew its not his fault.
Another one is a close friend of mine, a Biker, with all that Leather Jackets and jewelry, even when the temperature is 40 degrees. His case is a lil diff. from the others. I think he got Baby J Viruses. He has only one Jingle to sing from the past 5 yrs, and Just recently he has one more line to go with it. Also this Jingle only comes up from him when he is on the Bike and finds an Empty Road where he can zoom on the throttle. "Thumbs Up. Taste The Thunder. U gotta do. what you Gotta do." This line also tells the person sitting at pillion to grab hold of anything and be careful cause its Zooom Time.
Another Guy from the same group; his J Virus is triggers when he sees a nice girl around him "Oyee Bubbly. Hai-Hai-Bubbly. Be My Lover Bubbly.". And The Reaction to this Act. Girls just Burst out laughing at him which almost embarrasses him most of the time. But Still! He has never worked on changing his habbit and continues to do so.
There is another friend of mine, a cricket fan, and only God knows how many million times do they show this add in the commercials between a cricket match, that he can just not resist doing "Oohhh-laa-laa-laa-lole-ooo. Ooh-laa-laa-laa-laa-laa-le-Ohh"(Kingfisher)
My Girl Friend is not an exception either. Her Favourite: **"U and I. In this Beautiful world.!"
*Does Medical Science have an answers for it?
Well! Living with the J infected, I have developed a liking for a few Jingles too.
My Favourite One: **"Dhoodh-Dhoodh-Dhoodh-Dhoodh!. Wonderful Dhoodh"
I dont like Dhoodh But I like **"Dhoodh-Dhoodh-Dhoodh-Dhoodh!. Wonderful Dhoodh"
"Dhoodh-Dhoodh-Dhoodh-Dhoodh!.". Whats happening to me.
"Dhoodh-Dhoodh-Dhoodh-Dhoodh!.". I gotta Visit a Psychiatrist! :-|
Im going MAD! :-@
Nooooooooooo! .
Its The **J Virus.
:_( Im Infected.
"Dhoodh-Dhoodh-Dhoodh-Dhoodh!. Wonderful Dhoodh"