Reading a review by a fellow Mate, felt I too will share my 10 best (rather favorite) Serials. I take idea from TIC, in terms of dating back my serials and not really sticking to only the contemporary ones. My Ten Fave Serials:
1. Yeh jo hai Zindagi - Doordarshan
This probably launched the benchmark for what a comedy serial should Look and Feel. With the impressive trio of Shafi Inamdar, Rajesh Bedi and the man-for-all-occasions Satish Shah, this serial never had an episode that you would term Below Average. Great quality work, Great humor with each episode talking about a new story. This was telecasted on Friday nights and never got a MISS from me.
2. The Wayne Dobson Show - HOME TV
Lo Presto - MAGIC! Those jaw dropping super awesome magics performed with the characteristic elegance and élan by Wayne Dobson kept me glued to this Show, telecasted on Thursday nights (8:00 pm). Unfortunately, HOME TV per se received a very poor audience response, and im sure many would have missed this wonderful show. Wayne Dobson was not just a magician par excellence, but a true entertainer too who completely mastered the art of demonstration in front of an audience. Some of the favorite tricks were the Houdini-in-Deep Water, Vanishing A Chopper, Guessing what the Audience had written on a piece of paper, Levitation, Converting a Girl into a Tiger (and this he did without covering the cage in which the Girl was sitting. It was Open for everybody to see the conversion from a Girl to a Tiger).
3. Bol Baby Bol - Star Plus
An amazing and refreshing concept to have kids on a panel subjecting them to some general Questions. The participants of the show got to guess what the kids would have answered . Extremely innovating I found. But more than that, the answers given by the Kids took the cake, beating the host or the participants or the sponsors prizes. A Must see sheerly for the uniqueness on Sunday Late Mornings.
4. Shriman Shrimati - Sab Tv
This serial is the closest which can compete with Yeh jo hai.. in Humor content and probably beat that too. While Rajesh Bedi finds himself once again in the thick of action, the highlight of the show is undoubtedly the charismatic, great actor and humorous Jatin Kanakia. Unfortunately Jatin has deprived the audience of many more such fantastic humorous episodes by his untimely departure from the mortal world.
5. Simply Shekar - Sony TV
There are many who love to hate him. Even I have my reservations when it comes to Shekar Suman. But you got to agree that he was the best fit when it comes to: Extempore scripts, delivery, taking off on the personalities, spontaneous humor, a nasty host, at times khatta, at times meeta. All in all, an integration of the right ingredients and the right quantity to host a Talk Show. Will I be wrong in saying, Indias Best Answer to the Jay Leno Show?
6. Jeena Isi Ka Naam Hai - Sony Tv
A great concept and variation of a mundane Talk Show. This serial completely rules out the geesa peeta questions that hosts so generously put forward, and the guests flip their eye balls and give holier than thou answers. Farooq Sheikh did an exceedingly outstanding job while he was part of the show - making the guests very comfortable, a fantastic way he had to call out the other invitees known to the guests, nice logical points to show TV clippings. Needless to say, Suresh Oberoi has ruined this. But the serial and the concept deserves a pat.
7. Adventures of Sherlock Holmes - Doordarshan
When I read a Sherlock Holmes story, without a degree of effort the characters mentioned in the book come to life. Dont worry. No need to investigate why this is happening. Playing the impeccable, eccentric and the epitome of mental resources - Sherlock Holmes; Jeremy Brett breathed life into this fictional character and made the Elementary Dear Watson look very realistic. The locations mostly being the scenic beauties of the English Counties, was a sheer bonus and treat.
8. Vikram aur Betaal - Doordarshan
Dark was the night. But not the serial. Though very badly picturized, the stories in the episodes and the Q/A sessions between Vikram and the Betaal made a very interesting watch. The source of inspiration for watching this serial was ofcourse Chandamama. Is the book still available?
9. Khul Ja Sim Sim - Star Plus
Never expected Aman Verma to be such a fab host. I found him to be extremely spontaneous apart from ofcourse his million dollar smile and those impeccable dresses. The amount of energy and enthusiasm he infuses into the participants is one of the fascinating aspects of this wonderful serial.
But while many mortals may have made comedy serials or some historic ones or there might have been those brilliant magics to keep you in awe......nothing to beat
10. The Tom and Jerry Show - Cartoon Network
While selecting the Best amongst the Best is always a tough choice, You can make me Drop everything Im doing and come near a TV set, if Tom is doing one of this never ending chases after Jerry. A Start to finish Laugh riot, every 15 minute capsule serves as a dose of Laughing gas which you breathe.
Im Glad that Tom and Jerry wont age up, wont marry and have a Saas or a Bahu, Wont form joint families whose family members are more than the population of this country, wont do those Crores of business deals which will one day collapse owing to an errant brother or a son-in-law, will not have to worry about tackling extra-marital affairs, will not worry about adopted sons or step mothers.....Shucks.....Damn the current serials
Kya hum EK hosake The hAin to ban all these obsequious serials and get some plain vanilla (dont mind if there is some cream too) entertainment?