Yes we do tend to have some awesome English movies, but like always we do tend to have some that are considered a bombshell. Here is my list of the movies that I felt were not so great. I’m sure I might not agree with everyone here, but hey that’s what’s so great about MS, we get to express our own opinions. So you ready?
10The Cable Guy
Jim Carey is always funny, but for some odd reason I really didn’t like his acting in this movie. I felt that it was so stupid and Americans don’t really act that way so I felt that the movie didn’t do us any justice it just showed that we will do anything for something FREE! Jim can do better like the movie “Liar, Liar, and the Mask” now those were ok films that he was in.
9.Grease II
With out John Travolta, and Olivia Newton John this movie was sad. It wasn’t worth going to watch; it wasn’t anything as good as the original Grease movie was. Grease one is a classic and they failed to make the sequel match the original. Even though Michelle Pfeiffer was in this movie it didn’t help at the box office. I do however like Michelle, but this just wasn’t the right movie for her. There can only be ONE grease lightning and that is with the good old gang from Rydal High.
8The Blair Witch Project
This movie was to be based upon the lives of college students who enter the woods in Maryland and were never heard from again. They claim to of found some footage that was taken by those students. The whole thing was a hoax, and the movie sure wasn’t scary at all. This was a big time flop like I really wanted to see a movie about kids in the woods and all you mostly seen were their faces and movements. Heck you had to pay close attention at the night scenes cause all they had were flashlights in their faces. This sure wasn’t a good movie and neither was part 2. Don’t bother to watch this movie it isn’t worth your money!
7Halloween III Season of the Witch
Get real what in the world were they thinking when they made this Halloween movie? It has nothing what so ever to do with the first and second movie. This was all about a stupid Halloween mask that had some sort of chip implanted in the mask and when the kids were wearing them it would melt their mask and bugs and snakes would then come from the mask through their eyes nose and mouth. It was sick, and so stupid that I had to be listed here. Come on now were was Michael Myers? Halloween was all about one person and he coming back to life again, and this movie lost that and therefore it’s on my top ten list because of that.
6The House on Haunted Hill
I love horror movies, but I wasn’t so pleased with this one. It wasn’t so scary and it didn’t really interest me that much. The actors/actresses were ok, but the whole story line wasn’t so great. I felt it lacked something, but I can’t put a finger on it right now. I know one thing I wont watch this movie again for the second time.
5Dude Wears my Car
Yes it had some funny parts too it, but I didn’t like the idea of some stone heads running around town cause they were so out of it the night before and they couldn’t find their car. Then comes the weird looking men who are after them, and the hot looking girls who want them too. Then the bubble wrap? Geeze give me a break here. Then at the end the stoners are the ones who end up saving our planet? I hope that never happens in reality. I know it’s just a comedy movie, but I didn’t like it at all.
4DR. Dolittle 2
Ok the first one was ok, I could handle seeing Eddy Murphy talking to a few animals, but lets get serious here, an animal strike? This movie was so far out there that I couldn’t find any type of humor in the whole thing. Don’t get me wrong I do love Eddy Murphy, but talking to animals isn’t my kind of movie. I guess they needed to have a part two because now he wont be the only family member who is crazy, because in this movie towards the end Eddy finds out that his older daughter also has the same problem as he does. She can now talk to animals and hear them talk to her too. Don’t waste any time on this one. Sorry Eddy
Samuel L. Jackson, and Bruce Willis team up together in this movie. I was interested in this movie only because of those two star actors, but boy was I disappointed afterwards. I did however enjoy Bruce in the movie 6th sense. Bruce finds out that he has some sort of powers that he is able to see things happen. He was in a train accident, and he was the only one who came out of it alive and not a bruise or cut on his whole body. His wife and him weren’t getting along, and his son thought he was invincible. Samuel played the role of a man who wanted to dominate the world. He had some sort of bone problem were he couldn’t walk, but he made friends with Bruce, until the end when you find out that Samuel is the one who was causing all those deaths that have happened only because he was looking for “one” person who he thought was the best. Not worth watching.
I’m sorry but yes I feel this needs to be added to the list, it almost didn’t make it here but I felt it wasn’t one of Tom Hanks best films. I have to say that I was really disappointed with this movie; it wasn’t what I thought a Star Actor like Tom would be involved in. At first I thought wow this is going to be a cool movie, when the Fed Ex plane crashed I still thought wow so far so good. Then when Tom ends up on the beach and no one around for him to talk to he ends up making friends with Volleyball. He calls the ball “Wilson” because that is the brand name of the ball. Tom doesn’t have to speak that much in this movie, instead you hear grunts and silence. I felt they could have made his time on the Island more enjoyable or more thrilling then what it was. I guess the best part of the movie that I did enjoy was when he lost his best friend “Wilson” at sea when he was trying to be rescued. Yes that was sad for him, but I couldn’t help but laugh at how he reacted to it all. Sorry Tom, but you had better movies then this one!
1Friday the 13th Jason goes to Hell
Just like all the Halloween movies and Freddy Movies this was one of the worst movies of the series. I am tired of Jason always returning to take revenge upon those who are at camp. This time Jason goes to hell, and Freddy Kruger is there to meet him. The only part of the movie I did like was the end when Freddy’s arm came up from the dirt and grabs the mask of Jason’s and took it down with him. But Jason is back now, his new movie was just released a few weeks ago, and its now Friday the 13th part 10, this time he ends up in space?????? Geese how does that all happen? I guess I will watch it so I can give it another bad review cause I know its going to be as stupid as the others if not worse.
So there is my top list of movies that I didn’t really care for. I’m sure others should have made the list that didn’t and I’m sure some of what I did add are not ones that “some” might think should have been on this list. Please comment and let me know if u liked any of those movies or not.