I dont know why I even bothered to watch this movie when I knew that how himesh reshmiyan would act but I still had an slight expectation from him but then again we all make mistakes now and yes it was not a very pleasurable experience watching this movie.
The movie beginning is slow and voting and so is the rest of the movie with predictable plot of a gangster and you can even guess what is going to happen in the next scene so why even bother to watch the more at the first place. The only Strong point in this movie is the songs.
You will se himesh reshmiyan trying to act really cool and struggle with his acting and he is more concerned about his looks in the movie rather than the acting I think and just trying to make himself feel legitimate and not to get forgotten by the industry he made this film and for the viewers it was just a mere torture nothing else.
A gangster trying to protect her true love. Such a weak storyline at this time when anyone would know what can possibly happen in the movie. Not worth times wasting rather watch some other movie.