TERAA SUROOR is his fourth attempt to entertain the masses after AAP KAA SUROOR, KARZZ and The XPOSE. Although he had worked on a few emotions in his second film, he goes back to hisdeadpan look, sideways glance and stiff eyes with no show of emotions, as he did in his first film.
But you have to hand it to the singer/songwriter/music director/actor-He goes about his business with full belief in himself. And it is this belief that sees him carry the film through. Just his sheer chutzpah( with no emotions) sees him crack the case when his girlfriend gets framed for drug-trafficking in Dublin.
Himesh is Raghu, an assassin in India, who is in love with Tara( Farah Karimaee) . Tara does not know the dark side of her fiance and a week before they are to tie the knot, Raghu reveals to her something that happened in a pub with another girl the previous night. She is upset, and decides to go to Dublin for anIndia Day show. But as soon as she hits the street, her car is cornered and drugs recovered from her bag. She is sentenced to seven years Rigorous Imprisonment.
The man who took her to Dublin is a mysterious Anirudh Brahmin. Thats the mystery that keeps the film ticking, along with the slick action sequences with Himesh sending goons flying to all parts of the screen.
Bringing in some bright moments into the script are veterans Kabir Bedi as Police Commissioner of Mumbai, Naseeruddin Shah as Santino the jail-break expert and Shekhar Kapoor as Rajveer who is Indias diplomatic ambassador in Dublin. All of them, come together to help Raghu escape to India with Tara.
The action is impressive; the background score by Himesh too is designed to a nicety. The songs, and the sound are familiar, yet have thatdistinct something that make it soothing to the ears. The signature tune by Himesh is something that will stay forever.
The film belongs to Himesh until Anirudh is revealed at the climax. For a full five minutes thereafter, though the scene looks ridiculous, the guy who plays Anirudh injects a much-needed sense of maniacal energy.
If you love the Himesh brand of music, good action with a decent plot that engages you till the end, TERAA SUROOR is not a bad option this week.