Talk about the story, the film has died of terror and weapons dealer Khalil(Piyush Mishra) that seeks to prove to the world. The terrorist wants to convince the world that he is alive. Tere Bin Laden Dead Or Alive is a comedy satayara. The shield has been provided of how the US and other terrorists, his comedy style has been introduced.
Director Sharma has nurtured a character named David Chadha(Sikander Kher) as a US agent.When the Oshama is shown as paddisingh(pradyumansinh).Abhishek Sharma hit 2010 film sequel to the story line of American President Obama and al-Qaeda founder Osama bin Laden, however, try to entertain the audience laughed in mockery has not succeeded.
There will also be deployed Sikander Kher. It is very entarateina CI agent and Hollywood producer Alexander double role. It is a wonderful gesture interval before taking the pronunciation of the American Indian, and the subsequent film. The first was not taking any notice of the other actors, but the film is that it must be appreciated. The second Manish Paul. Spontaneous its comic taiminga and may declare a deployment. The Pradyuman also affected. Especially Osama suhagaratani sequence is shown to be extraordinary.
The films drawback is its dialogues. Most of pancisa Punjabi Hindi audience is expected to be heavy. When the film Song of the interrupt. It will end the story flow.
Watch or not:
Overall the film is weak against priqual. It also seems to have some dialogues and scenes were forcly added. The first part of the film because the film is not a good opening. However, take the same disappointment priqual sequel film fans. Sikandar so you will not be disappointed.