Star Cast
A 56 year old Arnold, one very bombastic orotund truck, several police Cars, Too much of cacophony. Automatic Turrets.
Director: Is not James Cameron.
Terminator-3. Wow! Superb Posters, great advertising. One always gets attracted to all such stuff and ends up being in front of a large screen.For those living in the age of Ignorance, T-3 is the next child of the family of Terminator films.
Ok! Ok! I know MS has had a flood of reviews pertaining to this topic. What do you want? Huh! What? Ok! Agreed Mate. I wouldnt make it lengthy. Did I hear Whose got the time to read your dumb review anyway? Ok! Now stop it. Hear it go. Or rather here it Goes! Of course the Review. What else do you expect?
Lets see. Heres some thing for everyone. Umm…..No. Not in the movie buddy; but in my review. Ok! For all blokes who lie (Pun intended) in the age group of 0 years to 8 years, Theres nothing for you. I mean this message is for the parents of such children. How can you possibly believe that someone of 2 year would come and enjoy my review? I know there are super humans but sometimes even they are not fortunate. For others, I am sorry. Theres really nothing for you except my wishes that could possibly save you to watch this movie.
Did I hear you utter that you wanted the story? Well, Ok! But because I promised that this opinion wouldnt be long, here is the outline. Wait! One sec. What are you talking about? Story is the same, pal. Same as that of T-2 and Terminator Oh! I am sorry. You havent had the opportunity to watch those? Well then to utter something, The story is simple. Arnold has a mission to save the lives of John Connor played by Nick Stahl and Katherine Brewster played by Romeo & Juliet fame Claire Danes. Why John Connor? Well, simply because he is the only hope in the devastated world of rendering resistance to the evils of machine taking over humans. I think Im talking too far.
For those who don’t even know this, here it is. Terminator is a programmed Robot and his (eh! Not his. Its) mission includes the shut down of Anti-Human Robot T-X. T-X is an advanced robot preferably dumb at times. Cant get that? Watch T-3 and know or for a modest brusque solution refer to suyogs review on T-3 and find out exactly who was dumber. T-X or the Directors Vision.
Now! Now! Arnold has started to look old. Did I hear a cry? Arnold should be resting his left out Grey cells in his villa. Truly speaking the entire movie was jejune. Director really couldn’t elicit the justice done by James Cameron in Judgement Day. Script was incessantly disoriented. T-3 was nothing but a corny dish served hot using turrets and AI software.
Life is a maze in which we take a wrong turning before we have started to walk---Cyril Connoly
This is what wholly stands true for the producers of Terminator.The Producers had the prerogative but couldnt use it aptly. The director eschewed from taking his parochial outlook to new possibilities of success. It was meant to be a chill-thrill-frill action package and so it was but very stale and to do away with the stale quality of the story, the director sprayed eau de cologne of cacophonous sequences. What was meant to be the steal away shot turned out to be a nightmare for audiences. Did I hear you say Which one? Of course the Car chase shot that was just a waste of luxury cars and another attempt to show the audiences that the prowess of T-101 has not wig waged from its location.
He could have saved it. But no! Even Nick Stahl was acting as if his relatives were kidnapped and he was forced to do the acting in order to relieve them. He was looking dumb. He could have done much better. Did I hear you say How? Well, the answer lies in the word Resignation. He should have resigned from the movie and gave someone else a chance. He had no sense of responsibility.
Talking about responsibility, Churchill once said Its better to be irresponsible & right rather than be responsible and wrong. Nick Stahl couldnt understand this one.
No! Please! Don’t generate any sympathies for either Kristinna Loken(T-X) or Claire Danes(Catherine Brewster). Kristinna Loken didnt have much to do. For her, it was just a Machine to Machine Destruction Affair. Cant expect much from her. And talking about Claire Danes, She looks weird. She was looking as if she hasn’t had the time to take a bath for days.
It went even dumber when director thought that he would drive the Terminator fans to Roll on the floor by laughter with his melee prone robot to be funny at times. Now! Now! No One can ever expect a Terminator to drive his fans crazy by acting humorously. Please! Please! For Petes sake.
One last resort for the director. But failure yet again. Where is the original background music? All one can hear is the sound (Read that as Noise) of Truck engines roaring as if they hadn’t been receiving Lubricants for years, the sound of Arnold striking against buildings, in short all the sound that relate to the word Violence and destruction. The background music is gone with James Cameron. Hope he directs the T-4 and brings the music back.
Wollah! We have come to an end. I promised you it wont take long and so it did. I forgot to take my creativity pills and so I am not able to end this opinion by talking in circles and at last coming to the point that this movie was a partial waste of $ 200 Million. Instead they could have sublimated this amount to Steven Spielberg and made him to direct this movie. At least they could have saved their Face! Now its too late. Even Arnold has turned 56. Did I hear a cry?
Old men are dangerous; it doesn’t matter to them what is going to happen to the world----G.B.Shaw.
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