My first dining experience at TGIF was delightful. This cozy restaurant, seated on the 3rd floor of Infiniti Mall offered me everything I’ve expected from a nice Mexican restaurant.
There were only three things that I wanted most when I ushered in by the pleasant attendant – chicken - roasted chicken - succulent roasted herbed chicken. I got more than I expected … hence this review.
We started with some cooling Margaritas. Although Ritas are fairly easy to mix cocktails, I’ve seen my fair share of foiled attempts at several good restaurants. It was nice to see that TGIF has got their mixture just right. One little detail that did bother us about our Ritas were that they were served in big goblets – it was not the standard cocktail glass that one would expect with their Margarita. The frozen drink would not pour when we tried to sip it directly from the goblet. A thick straw had been thoughtfully supplied; however, a Rita is just not done right by sipping it through a straw! Besides, how will you even taste the lightly salted rim if you never put you lips to the glass? So, if you don’t mind your drink on the rocks – the Ritas here would probably be enjoyed better that way.
My choice for starters was the Chicken Quesadillas. These tasty cheesy, chicken-filled wraps can be considered the Hispanic equivalent of Pizza. The Quesadillas here were traditionally accompanied by a dollop of sour cream, diced tomatoes, and some shredded cabbage – to some, this is a meal in itself and if you haven’t ever tried it before now’s the opportunity.
With chicken on the mind, the main course was without dispute the Roasted Herb Chicken. These are select breasts pieces that have been marinated and roasted to perfection. Some flavored rice with black moong gravy and tangy tomato gravy accompany the dish along with some delicious roasted veggies. The platter was a visual delight along with tasting so good. As I savored each bite, I thanked the Lord for TGIF finally opening an outlet close to home.
The Chocolate Malt Turtle sealed the deal. This dessert was so good that I had two orders even though it was served in a very large goblet. Often called a sizzling Walnut brownie with Ice Cream in several restaurants, the Turtle at TGIF takes the cake, literally. Instead of a brownie, there was the most delicious cake with the crunchiest Walnut pieces that I ever come across. It was indeed the grand finale to a perfect meal.
Pricing-wise, some may find the dining here a tad expensive, but it is worth the money!