Ive watched this show numerous times and every moment of the show still makes me laugh. After watching the penultimate episode of the last season, I watched the last episode after a long time because I didnt want the show to end. I was going through a rough patch of my life when I discovered this show, I used to spend much of the time locked up in my room.
The show revolves around a group of friends spending most of their teen life in Eric Formans basement. A lot of scenes involve this group of friends getting high on Pot. The show lasted for eight seasons. Though the show lost its charm in the last two seasons, its rating still stand at a solid 8.1 and 8.9 on IMDB and TV.com respectively. All the characters were different in nature, but, when they got together, it sure was hilarious. If you are a fan of Sitcoms, do give this one a shot.