After much great expectation, I went and watched this movie last weekend. Extremely depressing - SS has definitely got this wrong.
The whole point of Tintin, the comic, is that of a gritty, adventurous reporter who puts himself(and his dog and his mates) in situations of grave danger - but(and here is my point) the comic always projects a sunny, rosy outlook where it never appears to the reader that any of their lives is in danger - there is a certain naivete and optimism about the comic - you KNOW Tintin and his mates are going to come out trumps every time.
Sadly, the movie lacks this core - it is very gripping, very tense - but IT IS NOT TINTIN. It looks more like a recent batman movie and therein, Spielberg has missed out on a great chance to create a a different movie - a non tense adventure, like the comic.
And why he chose 3-D as the main version is beyond me - honestly 3D viewing makes it very irritating and gives you a headache. And parents, THIS IS NOT A MOVIE FOR KIDS.