I am a great fan of the marvels superheroes movies but a movie is only liked if it has a good story, action doesnt matters. the amazing spiderman 2 is however a good movie to watch only because of its action.
But this movie has no story. In this movie Peter parker continues to help the mankind as spider man and he meets Max Dillon who is spider mans great fan. Who later on becomes electro starts hating spider man only because he didnt visit to Max on his birthday party. what kind of story is this? If I invite my friend on my birthday party and he doesnt come then I will not hate him.
This movie has awesome screen effects but not an interesting story to watch for. the original spiderman series was much better than the amazing spider man series cause the earlier movies series had both action as well as a good story. Thats why I like it more than the amazing spider man. I only want to say that its a nice movie for the action lovers but its a bad movie for those who love story more than action. Thanks.