I was least interested when my wife told me about AOL courses. She and her mother had done it before and they went and met Guruji also once with my daughter Swetha. Then suddenly it happended so that I was on a vaccation to India and a course was conducted very near to my home and I could not miss it out since there were not enough participants to conduct one. I was forced to do and there were some transformations happening to me. The first Kriya was such a wonderful experience and the second more.
Since then I was not feeling such a big difference in me and I left my family back in Kerala as she was carrying Bharath. Then one more basic course happened in Bahrain with Tanuja Didi. It changed my life al together. I give up non-veg food, tea, coffee, cola, etc, etc. Then Sukhi came to Bahrain like a storm. It was very wonderful to be with him.
Now I regularly attend satsungs, which I love the most, and my kids too, follow ups, and any kind of activities with AOL. Some times we feel Awkward to carry two kids and attend all these but it is amazing.
Sorry for posting such a long message but this is what happened after doing the course. Now I wonder why I did not do this before. Strangely last year I was in Banglore on 13 th May (Sleeping in my hotel room) with out knowing that it was Gurujis Birthday and he was in Banglore. Now Im dying to go and meet him but the chance has not come yet.
So any one have slightest interest in AOL do not hesitate. Just do it.