Why this sudden trend of going to swamiji and seek blessing for better?
Why are we doing this inspite of good salary and good standard of living?
Why 90% patronage from IT / Techies?
The answer to these question is simple, these techies are getting more salaries than what they are worth, most of them are used for mouse jobs and are paid fortune.
There is huge network based jobs in Blore, many are finding jobs easily bcos of their caste and nirearchy in society.
There is no satisfaction for these p.i.g.s whatever they do, bcos what they get is huge for what they contribute. So they see avenues todonate the money for self satisfaction. Now why techies in huge number? most techies are high caste people, they are getting jobs due to excellent network and not on merit alone. These companies who recruit them also has connections with Swamiji, bcos he will attract all these people and bring incorrec\tion in life like making them feel OK with lower salary, Swamiji will say many things and reduce the salary appetite as well.
Sri Sri Sri himself is a thug who has encroached upon lands of poor dalits in Kanakpura where he has set up the art of living ashram? Why english Name? its only for upper class/creamy class only? Why? Obviously the MONEY factor?
Now why does Sri Sri Sri advocate breathing excercise to only city based rich people(who can afford close to Rs.1 lakh?
Why he is not conducting breathing excercise to poor in villages?
Why only techies in large number(just bcos they earn fat salary)?
Coming to SriSri Sris activities, many things are told by his followers, but theres nothing he has done, hes good taking pics of small work and blowing up into big achievements.
During Tsunami Sri Sri Sri spent less than 2 crores, whereas he recieved donations to the tune of 12 croires?
During Ktaka floods there was not even one volunteer from Sri Sri Sri Ashram doing any work! But he collected several crores by donations.
When allegations of land grab was made he kept silence, he never came out with any clarifications!
MLM(Filthy word at least to me)
Recently I was there near Sai Baba Temple(Yelahanka) with my family, a familiar lady was talking with all smiles to my wife, my wife didnt tell me anything but showed me phamplets of SriSriSri lectures.
Following days this lady has come to my house and lured my wife into Sri Sri Sri MLM system, 20 percent commission if she brings in volunteers from the area we stay, weekly payout, monthly bonus, yearly gifts, upto 12, 000 per month just by getting volunteers to join yoga classes and what not. When my wife revealed all these I was shocked! So imagine where the money goes in the name of breathing & Yoga?
There are many systems like this if we send people to ashram courses, you get more commission.
So guys, breathe with whatever god has thought you, buy CDs, DVDs of Yoga, read and do it yourself.
Dont fall in hands of these thieves who are looting and corrupting the society in a big way, be god to yourself, be good do good and think good is the golden rule of life, you can test these, correct these, and live life as it is naturally.
Sri Sri Sri is a daylight robber, he is even providing consultancy to Brahmins and there exist resume services. Due to HUGE & EFFICIENT network of brahmnins, the succes rate of brahmins getting job at ART OF LIVING is very high.
If Hindusim is like what Sri Sri Sri preaches then GOD BLESS HINDUISM, within 20 years HINDUISM will die.