I was a bit concerned when they announced this movie. I havent seen any movies with multiple superheroes in one. Bt when the trailers arrived I got a little hopeful. Then I saw the movie
The Avengers is directed by Joss Whedon starring Robert Downey Jr, Chris Hemsworth, Mark Ruffallo, Chris Evans, Scarlett Johansson, Jeremy Renner etc. The movie was really good and exceeded all my expectations.
Joss Whedon did a pretty good job with the story and character development. The first part of the movie doesnt have that much action but developing the story. But I was really paying attention to what is happening. It didnt seem like a drag. Everybody did there roles pretty good. The Hulk was my favorite in the movie.
Loki is a great villain. The problem with marvel movies was they didnt have a memorable villain in any of their movies. But this movie definitely had a memorable villain. The climax battle was awesome. The continuous shot kinda thing they did in the last battle was really good.
The comic timings from all the stars where good. Comedy element in this movie is really well done. The CGI and sound track where good. Nothing phenomenal.
Overall this movie is a must watch for everyone. Especially comic book fans.