After seeing The Aviator the first thing that came to my mind was - Does a person like him actually exist? On doing google search the findings were - He very well did exist .And he not only exists - but he rocks the world and creats new dimensions as well!
The film reminded me of Jonathan Livingston Seagull by Richard Bach. Its about a seagull who loves flying at great speeds, something a seagull is not supposed to do. Howard was such an aviator.
Thanks to Martin Scorsese for rewinding time and showing us glimpses of an unforgettable person. He can very well come up with a sequel showing latter life of Howard.
Martin - Dont lose heart over not getting the Oscars..Howard himself wouldnt have cared about them !
The film is lengthy and still it catches only some glimpses of this amazing person. The background score is good. Screenplay patchy. Acting done with lot of efforts