Goldie Hawn and Susan Sarandon are MAHVELOUS in this (chick flick) movie! At the beginning, we see them in the here-and-now - Goldies character hasnt quite let go of the past, while Susans character has not only let go, shes also conveniently swept the past under the floorboards of her multi-million dollar mansion. [For those of you youngsters, BANGER refers to sexual promiscuity.]
Goldie gets fired from her job in California, and decides to visit Susan, who now lives in Arizona. On the way, Goldie picks up a quirky, obsessive-compulsive character (wonderfully portrayed by Geoffrey Rush) who wants to kill his father (I refuse to tell you more about the father - itll ruin everything!). While Rush holes up in his hotel room, Goldie drives to her friends home, and sees Sarandon standing outside taking photos of her daughter and friends who are on their way to a high school prom. Goldie and Sarandon confront one another, and each appears to be terribly disappointed in one another (for whom they are now). Eventually, Sarandon lets her hair down (literally AND figuratively), and ... in a very funny, yet sad, scene in the basement (which involves Polaroid photos and weed), the two characters come together again - as adults who are able to admit their short-comings and re-visit their disreputable past without shame or guilt. And you see how genuine their friendship was, IS, and will always continue to be. Laugh and cry with them! And enjoy Rush, whose character is an all-time classic!!!!