Would like to share my experience at this place " The Beach " in Indira Nagar. In the name of providing guests with a beach like surrounding, they have filled the place with sand, seats are mostly wood logs which are so inconvenient to sit. I think they had Chennais marina beach in mind while designing this place as hygiene is so unbelievably poor that cant be expected at a place on posh 100 Ft road .
I thought at least the food may be good but it was totally unpalatable. As it is a buffet, in the name of starters, they will serve you all potatoes and capsicum so that you start feeling heavy b the time, you even think of main course. The taste was also nothing to talk about. It is a very limited menu. I overheard some other guest talking about having almost same spread most of the days.
They claim that they play real cool music but to tell you frankly, music was jarring most of the time. My sincere advice that please stay away from this place as it is complete waste of money.