Leonardo DiCaprio plays Richard who found paradise on earth in The Beach, which also stars Canet Guillaume as Etienne, Virginie Ledoyen as Francoise, Robert Carlyle as Daffy. The Story is about Richard who is on vacation in Thailand where he meets a drunk and Looney neighbor name Daffy (Robert Carlyle) who before he killed him self he leave Richard a map of a desert island in the middle of no where so he decide if he wants to go but first he meets a s**y lady name Canet (Virginie Ledoyen) and her boy friend Etienne (Canet Guillaume)
The story is long and boning instead if a beach it should be quicksand because it take so long to kill you they made the movie drag so much. Then they put drugs and s*x and blood in it to keep it alive. The island is in the middle of nowhere and has more pot on it that would make a drug dealer go crazy and the movie called the drug people farmers. The director tries to make it an enjoyable movie but it’s not the scenery is beautiful but the story is ugly. In the movie a shark attacks them let that never happen in a movie then you have 4 Americans kids who do noting but get drunk and stone and also what to look for the island too I wonder why.
Every one who like titanic will not like this Leonardo DiCaprio does a bad performance in this one he is a good actor but in this one he doesn’t I guess he know how bad the film in the sporting cast was good but the story drag this movie should went straight to video. The island was beautifully I would not mind living on the island But every one don’t go expecting a lot from the movie only a lot of sand and water and that all