This show is a situational comedy based on the lives of five main characters, Leonard Hofstadter, his flatmate Sheldon Cooper, their friends Raj Koothrappali and Howard Wolowitz, and their neighbor, Penny. As the show progressed, several new characters were introduced as permanent cast . The show started off with, Sheldon as a very annoying and obnoxious charater, Leonards infatuation towards Penny, Howard was a weird little guy and Raj was afraid of talking to women.
I have watched all the seasons at least thrice and I thoroughly enjoyed them all right upto the 8th season. . From the 9th season onwards, the story writing style has changed.
Sheldon isnt annoying anymore, Howard isnt the small weird geeky guy, Raj has gotten over his shyness towards the opposite sex. All in all, the show has lost it mojo. Even Leonard is married to Penny.
The reasons for which i, as a viewer, started watching the show are no more The enthusiasm for watching the show is gone.
I have been a big fan of the show and I hope the script writers and the people behind the scenes do not let the viewers down.